Saturday, November 1, 2008

At 3:44 on 01 Nov 2008, Jc Putn 5349 wrote:

As once stated, I am not a racist. I hate everyone equally. ;o) However, I have found many people questioning this simply because I refuse to vote for Barack Obama. This is completely asinine. It is not my fault that he is black -- a person's race must never be considered for anything -- but it IS his fault that I do not like him. His actions speak far louder -- and more truthful -- than his mere words. His methodical calls for "change" do not suggest an improvement for the future, the inspiration of Americanization, or even the jumpstarting of capitalism. No, his intention is for change: Change (chaynj) v. 1. To alter; make or become different; vary. 2. To substitute. 3. To exchange.

However, the question must be asked, do you really want to alter, differentiate, substitute, or exchange America, as we know it? I doubt very much that you do. If anything, you have been preached to that the last eight years of the infamous Bush Administration is behind your need for "change" even though many other administrations in U.S. history presented their citizens with actions no less intolerable than our current example. Yet, none of our ancestors preached change as much as Senator Obama does. What could he be hiding within his platform? Why is his vision for a "better" America so secretive? Most importantly, the question needs to be addressed, if his "hope" for a better and brighter future is so damn good then why must he resort to intimidation, deceit, fraud, and the silencing of his opponents in order to achieve it?

I bolted from membership in the Democratic Party when Bill Clinton became the favorite but, damn, even Slick Willy never resorted to what this character has been guilty of. Furthermore, Bill Clinton served as governor for a number of years and, hence, there goes that fundamental rule again, held executive experience. [...] And what, might you ask, has [Obama] done (or will do) that deserves such an uncivilized characterization? Glad that you asked.

There is a red glow upon our horizon; a fire line that bodes of destruction and chaos. It is a Red Holocaust unlike anything the world has seen or will ever see again but in true Biblical fashion, many of us may not even know of its existence or its arrival until it is far too late. Some of the characteristic signs that I, and many others like me, see are:


Barack Obama is perhaps the most abortion-friendly candidate to run for President of the United States. His desire to see little babies suffocate to death just because an act to save their lives may have had questionable political attachments is absurd. None of us would pass a stricken soul on the street just because they did not have insurance or any other legislated document so why would Obama come up with an excuse to ignore any child born alive?Anti-MilitaryThe would-be commander-in-chief of our nation's military has never, ever worn a uniform, voted to deny our forces in combat their hard-earned pay, funds for their resources, and desires for them to return home in defeat. That's not being a commander. That's not being a chief. That's merely being "in" with the liberal left who wish to see America denigrated in full view of the world. There's a word for that in the dictionary:

Treason (tree-z'n) n. 1. Sedition. 2. Treachery; betrayal.


I don't even know where to begin with this one. For the past couple of months my class project (yep, I've returned to serious study after twenty-seven years!) has been an in-depth study of the Iran-Israel conflict and the six-inch thick (I've measured it) stack of documents next to me presents a dire view of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and the ruling clerics in Tehran. Who, in their right mind, may I ask, would like to sit down across the table from Ahmadinejad and discuss anything? Barack Obama, that's who. Senator Obama wants to sit down all nice and cozy with one of the world's foremost lunatics and make play. Ahmadinejad does not want Twinkies; he wants nukes!


The point is that I know enough about my friends to care about who they are. I care about their heritage, their families, their livelihoods and, yes, by all means, their safety. This has nothing to do with Middle East politics, it's all about knowing that some maniacal monster in Iran desires to vaporize seven million people in a single flash. That's one million more than the Holocaust. I doubt very much that I'll ever be invited to Iran (unless there is a profound political change over there) but I have been invited in the past to visit Israel, even purchase some real estate there. I'd like that. I like the historical and cultural significance of the land. I just would not want to come back to my beloved United States glowing like a damn bug lamp.


Barack Obama's rating from the National Rifle Association ranks in the cellar. The sewer beneath the cellar, to be more precise. That's regarding a fundamental right of all Americans that ranks second only to free speech within the Bill of Rights. He is against handgun ownership (recently upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court as America's protection of choice), against hunting, and desires to prosecute Americans who defend their own lives. His supporters quip that he can't change such Constitutional protections -- but with a mandate in Congress, he can do as he pleases.


Let's face it, we're "One Nation under God." We have always been. There is no need to debate that fact; one only needs to tour our national monuments to discover this reality. Perhaps a tour of Arlington National Cemetery would defeat any naysayers. Regardless, Barack Obama does not profess to any religion of truth, faith, and justice. For twenty years, a hateful, anti-American preacher has indoctrinated him. That's during his adulthood. During his childhood, he had been dragged around one Muslim country after another. Any person, in my opinion, who does not believe in God should not run the "One Nation" under that deity. But that's just my opinion.


I would like to hear from any federal employee with a Top Secret government clearance who has as tarnished a background as does the junior senator from Illinois. For the rest of you, I will "enlighten" you to the process. First, you, Joe the Fed, have to fill out documents relating to all of your acquaintances, travels, jobs, periods of unemployment, and residences (but only back to your eighteenth birthday). Then you have to go through a polygraph examination, a psychological examination, and, I did, a medical examination where they poke, prod, and pinch every square inch of your body. Next, comes the challenging part. The background investigators (in my experience, from the Department of Defense) then canvas your neighborhood, your places of employment and education and talk to everyone who knows of you. If you are a typical "new hire" this may take upwards of 12-18 months to complete. When they receive all of the data back from the people that knew you (or thought that they knew you and you them), then they bring you down into the local federal office and grill you over any discrepancies they may have found. If you have had any kind of "colorful" life, you may find yourself defending your thoughts and actions against a stack of sworn (but perhaps not honest) testimony a foot and a half thick. Now, I ask you in complete honesty, how the hell could someone with Barack Obama's tainted background gain the kind of security clearance needed by the President of the United States? Remember the movie Tora! Tora! Tora! when the character played by E.G. Marshall lamented over the removal of FDR from the "cleared" list just before Pearl Harbor was attacked simply because someone in the President's office left classified documents in the trash? What if our very president was the security breech?

Joe the Autoworker

I don't want to talk about Joe the Plumber. I want to talk about Joe the Autoworker, my late father. For decades, my dad worked his way through horribly brutal factories (not the air-conditioned "laboratory" manifestations of today). As a child, I toured these factories during the local family get-togethers and, let me tell you, an old foundry is filthy, loud, and very hot. The most that my dad ever made -- when he retired -- was 9 dollars an hour. When I was born, he was involved in a Hi-Lo (forklift) accident that tore off his heel. It happened because at the time, his workplace was horribly unkempt and dangerous. You would think that after a lifetime of paying union dues, working for the likes of Jimmy Hoffa (who once personally bailed my father out of jail when he was wrongfully arrested for what they considered to be an "illegal" strike), and voting both pro-union and pro-Democratic, they would have done more to help him. No, they didn't. The people today employed in what would be considered the closest semblance to his old position -- the unions drove most of the old factories out of business -- now make about fifty dollars an hour. My dad switched to voting for Republicans when Clinton got the nod, but still today, they swamp my mother daily with pro-Obama/anti-McCain literature paid for, in part, by his dues. Is this how unions work? "You pay us so that we can tell you how to vote"? Now they want open ballots. Puh-leaze.

The Media

Free speech has gone out through the window in this nation. While Princess Obama pays for a twenty-four-hour DISH Network channel and shells out Six Million to buy air time on the major networks, his cronies attack dissenters through the Internet and in person. They yank anti-Obama opinions off the Web, manhandle the press into supporting him unchallenged, and should I, for example, say anything hostile towards their candidate, one of their staffers will digitally manifest into several "different" opponents and hound me as if I were the Antichrist. What they don't know is that everything through the Internet can be traced, contrary to Hollywood movies and television shows. The actions of Barack Obama and his "campaign" people bring to mind only two words: [A famous mean Socialist]. If you have proof that everything that [this Evil Leader] stood for isn't being repeated in some manner by Senator Obama. I'm all ears. Don't wait for the translation, tell me now!

Yes, we face a looming disaster ahead. The world is awash in chaos and the nuclear club is rapidly growing. A mere "charitable organizer" will not be able to stop it. Neither will his buffoonish sidekick. When the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991, its former Muslim nations found themselves possessing 2,730 nuclear weapons of which about 1,330 represented the tactical variety. Not all of them have been accounted for. In the old Soviet system, there were grave consequences for failure in production, so many institutions simply falsified their uranium, plutonium, and weapon devices production records. We have no way of knowing...

Add to this North Korea, Iran's ambitions, the once-destroyed-now-apparently-rebuilt Syrian nuclear facility and what we are left with is a powder keg ready to be touched off. Enter a kid with no practical experience. Perhaps this is what Joe Biden warned everyone about. In case you have not noticed, we are engaged in a culture-shattering war with radical Islamists who have attacked the United States non-stop since 1979. Twice they attacked us in New York (1993 and 2001). They will not stop and if Barack Obama believes that he can sit down and have a chat with them, well, let's just say that you can't have tea and crumpets with people who behead their adversaries for entertainment. The Red Holocaust rising upon the horizon will affect us all. Now is most definitely not the time to treat the untested as some noble knight riding in on an immaculate stallion. This Crusade is being played for keeps.

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